December 26, 2008

Christmas at the Skinner Compound

It is a great feeling to know you can make friends, and that they actually think enough of you to invite you over for Christmas dinner. I was honored that Frank and Lynn invited me to share both their dinner and their time with me. They are good folk - and quite fun to hang with, too.

I got to refresh my memory on computer support and help Frank get Lynn’s new mini laptop working with the wireless router. He finally found the perfect toy for her apparently! Of course I now know all their secret passwords and will be draining their bank accounts soon, but that is what good friends are for. And of course we ate - turkey(Lynn’s first), mashed taters, yams, stuffin’, black olives, cranberry whatch-a-macallit, etc. The old bird was cooked to perfection, not dry at all.

Later, we had to go out and visit the ponies in the garage. Frank has practically finished his latest S2 and it is a beaut. We fired it up and also warmed up the XB. Here are a couple of pics of the S2:


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful Christmas spent with friends! Merry Christmas to you, J-Dawg!

Anonymous said...

Jody, it was a pleasure having you over at the house. Anytime the Buell riders out number the Harley riders is good.


John said...

Sweet looking bike!